Monday, September 24, 2012

Sept 24-28

  • Read AR and parent sign reading log
  • compose sentences 13-20
  • Review journal with parent
  • Bring 2 leaves

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sept.17-Sept. 21, 2012

Monday-Friday Sept. 17-21, 2012

Spelling words:
  1.  vain
  2. vanity
  3. obsessed
  4. wardrobe
  5. scoundrels
  6. flattery
  7. emperor
  8. magnificent
  9. invisible
  10. annually
  11. impressive
  12.  treasury
  13. indescribable
  14. expectations
  15. hesitations
  16. astonishi8ng
  17. splendid
  18. internationally
  19. historians
  20. transformed
Study nightly Test Sept.28 on words
Vocab test Sept. 27

Tues. Sept. 18
Study words
Review journal
Read AR

Wed. Sept. 19
Same as above

Thursday Sept 20
Compose sentences with 1-5 spelling words.  Use words in a way that I know the meaning of the word.  Underline word and skip lines between sentences

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sept. 11, 2012

  • Study spelling definitions- Test Thursday
  • Study spelling words- Test Friday
  • Compose sentences 15-21
Friday is "High Attendance Day"  Students are encouraged to dress as a person in the profession they want to work when they grow up.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Spelling words August 31-Sept.14

Spelling test Sept 14                                         Vocabulary Test Sept 13

  1. considerate
  2. petrified
  3. deter
  4. dispenser
  5. abandonment
  6. crouched
  7. illusion
  8. classic
  9. narrator
  10. scene
  11. illustrations
  12. foolish
  13. dazzling
  14. delectable
  15. captivated
  16. toiled
  17. agonized
  18. humiliated
  19. compose
  20. theme
  21. homophone
  22. informational


Monday, September 11, 2012

  • Create sentences using spelling/vocabulary words 11-15.  Write sentences that reflect the word's meaning.  Use your journal for definition and depiction.
  • Study your journal and 1-15 definitions
  • Read AR Need at least 2 points this week.  Some need more to get caught up